Cindy McCain: Drug Dealer
cindy mccain drug addict

Funny how these politicians can talk tough and then show themselves for the hypocrites they are. Cynthia McCain being one of them. Not only did she make her millions selling booze, but she herself has a soft spot for prescription pain killers. Mainly Percocet and Vicodin. This stupid whore got addicted to them while her husband was getting his back slammed against the wall for being involved in the keating scandal (another scam which cost taxpers literally millions). Maybe you’re thinking “Oh come on, be compassionate, she had a drug problem” ummmm. no. She’s a worthless hypocrite who would like to see others locked up for the crimes she committed. Fuck her. She can have her stay at the betty ford clinic while average americans are locked up every day for something far more benign than abusing prescription pain killers. stupid bitch