Top Ten New Movies About Weed -2014

The stoner flick has become a staple of Hollywood as the herb becomes more accepted and mainstream ( a recent poll showed that 68% of teens now believe marijuana is safe ) .
Topping off the list we’ve got Seth Rogan’s film “Neighbors” which is a great look into the genre as a whole . It’s about a family which moves in next door to a frat house. It’s silly, mindless, and perfect to watch with a bong in one hand.
Next up we’ve got Inherent Vice which is a Paul Thomas Anderson film (Magnolia) which doesn’t have weed as one of the main components of the film, but it still plays a prominent role. This moody detective movie a great one to watch curled up with that special someone.
Don Peyote is a classic drug film featuring Dan Fogler , who also wrote and directed the film. In the film he plays a man in search of purpose in life. This leads him to a trippy Ayahausca trip.
A million ways to die in the west is a great film courtesy of the man who brought us Family Guy, Seth Macfarlane. This is about as perfect as it gets for films to watch about weed, but the herb is mentioned little during the film.
Kid Cannabis stars a chubby Jonathan Daniel Brown who finds a huge stash of weed and isn’t sure what to do with it. It’s a classic war of the weed moguls as the competition gets upset with the new kid on the block. A lot of fun, and fits the genre perfectly.
Palo Alto is a great coming of age movie about an aging soccer coach who falls in love with one of his students. Loads of pot is smoked throughout the movie, but the film is about so much more. Kind of serious, kind of not, this is a great film all around.
Are you here features the mainstays of marijuana movies, Zach Galifinakis, who plays a man with bi polar disorder who medicates with weed. Not too serious, but definitely a multi-faceted film with a lot of nuance.
Wild features Reese Witherspoon who is a herion addict looking to change her life by going on a journey throughout the pacific northwest. A more “serious” film, which has spectacular panaromas and won’t leave you disappointed.
Land Ho! rounds out the list at number 10. The film follows two brothers who go on vacation in Iceland and bring a bunch of weed with them. A really fun comedy which fits the stoner flick genre quite well if you’re looking for a more “adult” weed movie.