DEA Wants Citizens to Return Drug Dealers’ Money!
First of all. What's the deal with the size of that jumbotron??? Did Meghan Kelly slip down the rabbit hole?...
20/20 – John Stossel Discusses Medical Marijuana and the Charlie Lynch Case
A surprisingly candid conversation on 20/20 with John Stossel about states' rights vs federal medical marijuana laws.
Ron Paul on the Legalization of Marijuana
Ron Paul recently faced off against... Stephen Baldwin??? on the topic of legalization. It's up there with some of more...
Judge Calls The DEA Addicts of Government Money
This judge lays out the not so shocking truth about who is really benefiting from the war on drugs. First...
Drug Czar John Walters Discusses Unicorns
First of all this worthless piece of human trash totally avoids the questions and insists on changing the subject. Fair...