Meg Whitman Election

Hey everyone! We have a new disgusting waste of a human being to trash. Her name is Meg Whitman and she made like a zillion dollars from ebay. Well, if the internet made her millions we can only pay her back by bringing to light that this woman is adamantly against Marijuana Legalization. Oh, and did I mention, she’s running in California? Let’s make sure this sycophant doesn’t hold one day in office. She’s financing her campaign using her own money, and she seems to think she can buy the governorship. Little does she know that bunch of stoners will be her undoing. Hey Meg! We’re winning the war and we’re fucked up! 🙂 Stupid bitch

From her platform website she states that “Meg is opposed to the legalization of marijuana. This is a gateway drug whose use would expand greatly among our children if it were legalized.” This corporate neo-con sludge bucket thinks she’s going to roll back California to the days of marijuana prohibition. Let’s make sure she notices us.

What can you do?

Well for starters you can begin swamping the Republican Party’s email with messages showing your dislike for this corporate yes woman by emailing (keep it somewhat clean, we don’t want them to think everyone is as insane as I am 😉

You can also tell everyone anything you want in order to dissuade them for voting for her. California has been leading the nation in sensible drug policy, and now this cunt wants to roll it all back. We must for the future of our children and grandchildren stop this woman from coming to power. Hey bitch! Keep the internet dirty! Lolz