God Hates a Fag – Donnie Davies Music Video (Previously Banned)
donnie davies, evening service, god hates a fag, song.

Donnie Davies is a comedian who shoves peoples’ words straight back into their faces. In this track we see a man in a pink shirt preaching that God hates Fags! too funny, but equally showing of the hypocrisy of these fascist churches who want to tell people how to live their lives – I’ve got a message for them – God (if s(h)e exists) Hates a Hypocrite you fucking scum I think it can be found somewhere in Matthew. Just a guess. Not surprisingly the idiots at Myspace (A Fox News owned piece of shit) and Youtube weren’t too keen on Donnie’s original message. When the video was first released it was censored by both sites, but that only generated thousands of internet freedom fighters to reupload the video hundreds of times. It was a good lesson for video sharing sites. Take something down that people like, and it will pop back up a million times more.