White Widow
how to grow white widow

Here you can watch the entire grow cycle of the white widow strain of cannabis. From Vegetative to Flowering.
For the first time in history the Green House Seed Co. shows the world how to grow their award winning white widow strain. This is the White Widow video with the Japanese Subtitles.

White Widow is a very famous and popular strain of cannabis. Since it is an indica and sativa mix it is a strain that can get you cerebrally lifted, yet also relaxed at the same time. It’s a great all around bud.
The White Widow is known for its long white hairs and exhibits a wonderful bouquet of colors. All of this together makes it a very potent strain that stands out against others.
Upon smoking, don’t expect to sit down on the couch for a marathon of ren and stimpy. This is a more energetic and social weed. The taste is somewhat pungent but still yet it also retains a fruity and sweet taste.