Top Ten Videos To Watch While High

What makes a funny video to watch while high? Obviously it’s a question which is up for interpretation, but I’ve found a few common elements in these short videos which tend to be present. I’m guessing you’ve all seen Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, and this film in my opinion is the pinnacle of stoner humor. However one scene stands out to me as being the perfect example of stuff that stoners will laugh at, and that’s when the racoon starts driving the car. It’s a bit of absurdity mixed with out of control excitement and ridiculousness. In this same vein I’ve put together what I consider to be the top ten videos to watch while high. Perhaps yours are different, but these all have me chuckling every time I watch them.

1. Depressed Whale

2. Jaoquin Phoenix Double Head

3. This Dog

4.  Tiny Tim

5. Baloons!

6.  Motorcycle racing slo mo

7.  The sky was pink

8.  Nicholas Cage losing his shit

9. Zed’s dead remix

10. Samuel Truth – Let me Breathe


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