Sheesh! Santa Ana Cops go Wild in Dispensary raid!

What the heck is going on in this raid performed by members of the Santa Ana police department in a no knock raid on a dispensary. Apparently the raid came about as legal issues surrounded a really strange lottery system that the system had put in place to randomly start closing shops. From what I understand this particular dispensary was waiting for the official word about ongoing legal procedings so they were still conducting business as normal. But that didn’t deter the local police department which was chomping at the bit to smash in the doors ( which clearly could have been opened by knocking on them ) and terrorizing the patrons.
But it gets worse, the Santa Ana police department then starts ripping out the cameras one by one, and takes the DVR. And then they actually start eating the edibles that were there! One female police officer even jokes about kicking an amputee in a wheelchair “in her fucking nub” ! huh?! What the actual fuck! I’ve actually really come a long way in my view of police over the years, and have consistently had nothing but professional and pleasant experiences as of late ( oh, the wonders of the world when you make a normal living and don’t look like a stoned teenager….or. well. as we’ve seen. Also being white doesn’t hurt ) . But seriously now. What are these cops thinking? Who the hell is in charge of these guys. As the country moves forward and marijuana legalization becomes more common, just as gay marriage, it’s events like these which future generations will laugh about. It’s a mixture of power and stupidly archaic laws which have no place in the 21st century.
Here’s the video of the incident. It’s like something Seth Rogan could’ve written. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so terrible.