Marijuana Can Cure Cancer?

Ok, i’m going to start off this post by saying I’m a skeptic of any outrageous claims. In fact I’m a skeptic even to whether or not god exists. I also don’t want to put false hopes in anyone who has a loved one, or is currently struggling with cancer. I do want marijuana legalized, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to claim it will end world poverty, and war, or any other outrageous claim. With that being said I’ve studied everything I could find concerning using marijuana to fight cancer, and the results were appalling. All come from mainstream scientific sources. If anyone has any new information please leave it in the comments below. Like I said. I’m skeptical. But maybe that’s because I have had people very close to me who’ve struggled with this fucking disease.
When I first started smoking weed at age 16 I was quickly introduced to someone who really needed it. I won’t write his name because I don’t want people who still Google him out to be immediately sent to a marijuana blog with a high page ranking. Even so, I quickly learned that the herb really did work when it came to suppressing nausea. My friend’s parents came from a lower middle class family, and the word quickly spread that we could go and smoke up in his basement after school. I’m ashamed to say that’s how I first met him. Just looking for a place to smoke. But over the months we became closer friends and it became apparent that his family was ignoring us smoking in the basement for a reason. For one, my friend would eat more and wasn’t throwing up. But more importantly (in my opinion) was that my friend still got to act like a teenager and have a good time. As he got sicker he was transferred to the hospital and I remember one time when we went there to smoke him out. After we got all stoned we went back to his hospital and room. A candy striper (those are clowns that work in hospitals trying to uplift spirits) came into the room. We were obviously too old for him but he did his whole act nonetheless. We laughed our asses off. That’s what the weed was for. Just to let him have his final moments on this planet being full of exuberance and happiness. He died only a few weeks later (sorry, im crying right now) and I went on with my life. At 16 I don’t think we really understand death yet, or at least we shouldn’t see one of our friends die. Anyway. That’s what it’s all about. Sure I want marijuana legal for everyone, but we must also remember that there are people out there who really need it. Which makes our struggle to break down all the myths about this drug all the more important.
For those cancer patients who are googling out information about marijuana and it’s ability to kill cancer cells. Please keep searching. I’m not an expert but I’ve tried to archive a few links to the Harvard study which justifies much of the claims surrounding it. God I hope it’s true.