Should Veteran’s Hospitals be Supplying Veterans with Medical Marijuana?

Andrea Barthwell looks like she just got shit out of an evil demon as she spews prohibitionist rhetoric. Remember this stupid bitch is not speaking as a Doctor but rather for her “Public Health” advocacy group EM Global. Translation. She benefits from the drug war because it probably makes her money promoting outdated prohibitionist tactics. The most frightening thing is that this woman is a doctor, and here she has a potential patient saying he receives benefits from medical cannabis, and she dismisses it. He says that he has tried everything on the market, and that medical cannabis is what worked for him. As a doctor she should evaluate patients on an individual basis instead of relying on an outdated ideology. Doctors all around the world agree that medical marijuana helps patients suffering from PTSD. For whatever reason (I’m guessing it’s anti drug tax payer dollars she receives) she would rather see this man die, than use an “illegal” substance (which is legal in the state he uses it). Andrea Barthwell is a great example of how disgusting doctors can be when motivated by profit instead compassion. You can send her information regarding medical cannabis by emailing
In the video below we see Doctor Philip Leveque a leading expert in pharmacology and toxicology discussing the benefits and history of using medical marijuana to treat PTSD. I guess maybe he and Andrea should go bowling together
And here’s some more information regarding treating PTSD with medical marijuana.
Further investigation revealed that the synthetic marijuana prevents increased release of a stress hormone the body releases in response to traumatic situations.
“The results of our research should encourage psychiatric investigation into the use of cannabinoids in post-traumatic stress patients,” wrote study author Dr. Irit Akirav of the department of psychology at the University of Haifa.
The study was published in a recent issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.