FOX “News” Trashes The Netherlands
marijuana use in america compared to the netherlands, holland.

Maybe someone should remind them of this strange factoid.
Percentage of those who have tried marijuana in the Netherlands 20%
Percentage of those who have tried marijuana in the United States 42% (Including our last three presidents)
(source) Link Public Library of Science
So. Could it be that perhaps making something illegal actually makes it more appealing? ummm. I’m guessing yes. Your drug war is Epic FAIL. So. Let me get this straight. the US currently has about 60,000 prisoners in jail for marijuana offenses (at a cost of 22,000 dollars a year to keep them in prison) compared to 0 in a country with an extremely low crime rate and half of the Marijuana use. Erase the black market and see the crime associated with it virtually disappear or you can try to regulate something that grows in dirt and requires light. yeah. These guys truly suck. They are addicts of the Federal government and the money that pours into Police Departments throughout the US. They keep the drug war going because it keeps money in their pockets. Nothing more, nothing less. Those who are incarcerated for possessing a drug which has never killed anyone are irrelevant. All they care about is money and the continuation of their power. Fucking Addicts Welfare Addicts. Sucking the cock of the Federal Government. Ummmm. Feel that Federal Government money cumming all over your faces. ummm. yeah. Gotta love it. pigs
Also another interesting read is Time Magazine’s An American Pastime:Smoking Pot