Gov. Mitt Romney meets a medical marijuana patient
mitt romney meets a medical marijuana patient

In 2000 George W. Bush (A former pot smoker himself) ran on a platform on “compassionate conservatism”, this was an attempt to put a human face on the otherwise cold puritanical Republican party. In this clip we see Gov. Mitt Romney meeting a marijuana patient, and we see how compassionate he is to the sick and dying.
So, let me get this straight, Romney believes a man (Joeseph Smith. The founder of the Mormon Church) was called by an angel into the woods where the angel told him to dig for some ancient golden plates. Once uncovered these golden plates were translated by looking through a magic seeing stone while they lie in the bottom of a top hat. These texts later went on to become the Mormon Bible. So, yeah, he’s insane and believe in a complete charlatan like Joeseph Smith but that doesn’t stop him from wishing to set public policy based upon the insane ramblings of a madman. He ignores a sick man, and denies him his medicine. hmmm. What would Jesus (er I mean Joeseph Smith) do?