Marijuana is a Weapon of Mass Destruction?
kid has pot brownies delivered to teachers lounge

pot brownies
Stoned Teachers – Watch more free videos
Ok. Not letting someone knows that your muffins are filled full of pot is not cool. Sending a box full of them to the teachers lounge is, well, pretty fucking funny really. But wait there’s a major buzz kill in the works. Seriously now, what the fuck is a counter terrorism agent even doing being interviewed for this story? I thought their job was to catch people who might actually wish to cause harm to america. This is a high school prank. Nothing more. Nothing less. So that Counter Terrorism agent might be better suited driving around looking for people who look suspicious (since we all know what “suspicious people look like right:) ) I also like how they say the teachers “got sick”, lol, i have a feeling not all “got sick”. There’s another word for how they felt. what is it again. hmmm. slips my mind
As a side note apparently the FBI is looking for this guy. So if anyone can identify this photo they’d like to know