Kellogg’s Pays The Price For Firing Michael Phelps!
Kellogg’s Pays The Price For Firing Michael Phelps!

boycott kellogs
Haha. The sugar-dealing-diabetes-causing-drug-dealers at Kellogs are feeling the heat from firing Michael Phelps. It appears now that they are getting a little uncomfortable with how their product is being viewed. Here’s the thing with these megacorporations, they don’t care about Michael Phelps. They want Michael Phelps to go away, they don’t give a fuck if someone is smoking weed or is a bad example for children, all they care about is their money. When they thought it was in their best interest financially they fired Phelps, now they see that it’s not. So their position now will most likely be one of silence (notice that they refused to make a comment to the Lou Dobbs), and hope the whole thing blows over. Just remember, next time you get the munchies DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM KELLOGS!