Best new weed movies

The stoner movie has become a staple of hollywood at this point, with new films being churned out every year. Who would’ve thought when Cheech and Chong basically first invented the genre that it would become an entirely new classification of film. In the last five years we’ve seen around 20 new films which incorporate “The frequent use of marijuana” into their plotlines. I’ve done all the dirty work of watching them all, and am happy to report back in.
When Prince Fabious’s bride is kidnapped, he goes on a quest to rescue her… accompanied by his lazy useless brother Thadeous.
The film seems like it should have it all. A bumbling brother who likes to chief some herb, a hot chick, and one that is set in a fantasy environment. But somehow this film falls flat. If you’re looking to watch a really stupid film that is on in the background this is it. Not even good as a bad movie.
A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas
I’ve got to say, as formulaic as this combination is, there’s a reason that it works. Harold and Kumar remain to be some of the most relevant today. The film is an easy watch which has some great moments which will have you in tears. A great comedy that’s perfect for a no-brainer evening.
Savages from Oliver Stone isn’t a typical stoner movie byany means, although the herb does play a prominent role in the film. Panned by critics as being messy, this one is more up my alley. If you want a mix of fantasy, humor, and drama, all with loads of the herb floating in the air then this is the movie for you.
“Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.”
From the mind of Joss Whedon you know you’re in for a treat. This film is a great mix of horror, comedy, and a suspense film all packed into one. A perfect film for those night you want to cuddle up next to someone with your bong.
Ted, and Ted 2 are at the top of my list of the new best stoner movies ( in the last 5 years ) . This film has such strong characters that you will soon forget that you are watching a animated bear, and that’s part of the fun of it. There’s no problem with lining these up back to back. You won’t be disapointed!
An attempt to remake Friday that falls flat. The jokes seem forced, and the story is very surface. I’d skip this one.
A breath of fresh air in what has become a pretty standard market. Hansel and Gretel Get baked puts a new twist on the genre and blends some horror elements as well. A really fun, light movie, perfect for a first baked date with a new partner.
This is the End is the latest from Seth Rogan. The new kings of the weed film genre, and also a chronic smoker himself. This is definitely the most polished and places weed front and center in the action.