Al Gore on Marijuana
al gore talks about medical marijuana laws

Ok. I know Al Gore is kind of like the John Travolta of politicians. While he was in office he was a wooden board who no one remembers in the least for accomplishing anything (hell he didn’t even get a blowjob under his desk). But then he made a comeback during the Bush years, and good for him. An inconvienent truth was a great documentary and he should be commended for that (I believe he was in the form of a Nobel Prize). But my beef with Al lies in his politics. He takes the easy way out on the marijuana question because he doesn’t want to upset his imaginary constituency. He says that states should be able to decide their own laws on marijuana. Politicians do this all the time in order to score the populist vote (plus they know about 10 percent of the US uses marijuana regularly) yet still not making a clear stand in any way. There’s another important issue of abortion, that’s also a “State’s Rights” issue but you don’t see many democrats embracing state’s rights on that one. Screw it. They’re all a bunch of reptoids anyway. Which em shape shift on cnn. ahhhh yeah