Obama on Marijuana Laws
Obama on Marijuana Laws

Well, for any of those who voted for Obama. The honeymoon is officially over. Done. The man who only four years ago advocated for a change to the disasterous policy of the failed war on drugs has now alienated an entire voting demographic. See, to me, marijuana isn’t the most important issue. It’s not like I am going to oppose everything Obama proposes just because he has flip flopped on marijuana. Certainly there are more pressing problems facing America today. However, this seems to be a symptom which is hard to ignore.
We must remember that it was the Obama team’s idea to create an online platform which would let everyday citizens vote on issues (Basically taken from Digg.coms model). And the top two (by a wide margin) were ending the drug war, and the legalization of marijuana. He said it himself. 3.5 million people voted for what they believed in, and the vast majority voted on these two issues. Now, as I’ve stated before, it’s always a bad idea to ask the internet anything as we are a group of atheistic, porn selling/consuming/downloading drug users. Ask the internet any question and Libertarian issues always seem to win for whatever reason (why do you think Ron Paul became an online celebrity). However, it is nonetheless disconcerting that Obama would chose to make light of a subject which was highlighted by those who participated in a platform created by his own team.
I myself voted on Change.Org for marijuana decriminalization and “An end to the Drug War”. I think each participant got five votes, and I used some others on Solar power, beaver dams (may their tails always be free) and an end to all laws which would regulate pasties at strip clubs. (sorry, just trying to lighten things up)
Anyway, my point is this. If he is willing to betray his online base this early on, how can we trust him in the future. This is, after all, a man who stood up for Bush’s warrantless wiretapping. A man who pledged to get the US out of Iraq (but instead has chosen to extend their deployment, and move loads more of American soldiers into Afghanistan.) If this is the beginning, what else can we believe from this man? Obama ran on the idea that he was a different type of politician who would not fall into partisan games, yet, since he has taken office we have seen a relentless attempt to hold on to the status quo. Is this Change We Can Believe In? It seems that Obama has forgotten that once an individual is branded a liar it is hard to “Believe” any other word that comes out of their mouth. Obviously the alternatives to Obama were frightening, and he was definitely the lesser of two evils, however at this point I can know longer say I “Believe” a word he says. Sorry. Power seems to corrupt all those who touch it. And that’s why I think we need to elect a Hobbit
Here’s the old Obama if you want to take a trip down memory lane….
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