Growing Marijuana Outdoors
Growing Marijuana Outdoors in the right climate is something we can all dream of doing. The fact of the matter is that the prohibitionists have pushed the plant into hiding in closets, and sometimes entire houses which are turned into grow ops. Sometimes growers resort to digging large underground bunkers powered by diesel generators. As we all know Global Warming is a reality and we should all take steps to reduce our carbon footprint for the good of all plants and animals on the planet. The good thing about growing weed outdoors is that we have the best lamp you could ever buy, which runs on schedule (no need for timers) and will undoubtedly produce the tastiest and most potent bud you can find. Oh yeah. And did I mention that you don’t have to pay a monthly bill to the man because the Sun is FREE! Growing outdoors is also great for the environment, pot plants are extremely robust and suck in loads of carbon dioxide. The fact that the insanity of the drug war has been extended to Hemp is a serious catastophe. One of the leading reasons for global warming is that we are cutting down our forests, meanwhile large tracks all over the country could grow hemp for paper and this would greatly reduce the amount of trees cut down. Hemp paper is fantastic and if it was good enough for the Bill of Rights then it’s good enough for your notebooks.