Pete’s Couch – More Propaganda

anti marijuana propaganda from the ad council

So, in this video we see the federal money welfare queens trying to make a video which will connect with their demographic. Three boys sit on a couch and one talks about how harmless Marijuana is (something anyone who has smoked it knows anyway), but then he goes on further to talk about how by smoking marijuana you’ll just end up stuck to the couch all night and you won’t be able to enjoy life. Well, here’s the newsflash, people enjoy their daily lives and marijuana all the time. Sure, I like Ren and Stimpy as much as the next guy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t smoke weed and go out and have fun with friends. The social aspects of the herb have been documented throughout the centuries, and one shallow anti-marijuana ad campaign financed by the federal government can’t change that. Sorry, people will smoke weed, and they’ll have fun.