Smoking Marijuana is a Mental Disorder?
dsmv on marijuana and cannabis smoking

Oh god please help us all from the DSM (This is like the Bible for Psychiatrists and Psychologists, it’s a huge compendium of diagnosis for mental disorders.) This book is the biggest shithole of misinformation you could possibly find. If we were judged by the standards layed out in this book we would all be labeled with some sort of a “disorder”. It’s not a surprise that suppressive governments have routinely used diagnosis in order to remove parts of society which are a threat to their power and hegemony. If you are actually crazy then you may be able to find help with a shrink. Personally I think 95 percent (my stat i admittedly just pulled out of my ass) are corrupt pharmaceutical drug pushers. Marijuana is a threat to the pharmaceutical industry because the medication (which is why the psych business can make so much money) isn’t one that comes from their dealers (The pharmaceutical industry). You see the way it works is that psychs get tons of free samples from the pharmaceutical drug kingpins, they are encouraged to give these out to their patients in an attempt to get them dependent. After the patient is hooked they crank up the price (just like any good schoolyard heroin dealer) and boom they may get a customer for life. They will always say that the drug they are giving you is temporary, and you’ll be able to ween yourself off of it, but as we all know. This never happens. Those stuck in the legal drug trafficking ring rarely leave. Instead they bounce from drug to drug in an attempt to find a magic bullet which doesn’t exist. Nice racket eh? Fuck these pigs. Smoke pot.