Hilarious Video Explaining Prop 19 from Japan
Japan, The land of the Rising Sun, made this great animated sequence with bears about Prop 19. Where else?
High Scream Marijuana Ice Cream Recipe
High Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for High Scream! And here's a great recipe on how you can make...
Try not to smash your monitor
I didn't know it was possible to cram so much misinformation into such a short amount of time. Leave it...
Holy Shit! California Decriminalizes Marijuana!
The Governator Arnold Shwarzenegger has just signed bill SB 1449 which effectively treats marijuana possesion no longer as a criminal...
The War on “Drugs”
This video outlines the tremendous rift between legal and illegal drugs in the United States. Currently half of all Americans...